Friday, December 30, 2011

Almost 2 years ago

I would never make a living blogging. Looking at my minuscule volume of posts is very indicative of that statement.

I looked back at my January 10, 2010 post and it ended as follows:

The Republicans or the conservatives need to find a dynamic spokesman and formulate a message. There is currently no person in the public eye willing to take the current Government to task with a message that is going to bring hope and unify the conservatives into taking control during the mid-term elections and eventually the Presidency. What is the message? We the people have had to tighten our belts and become a nation of savers rather then credit whores. The message needs to focus on the this:

1. The economy is still the biggest issue.
2. The out of control debt.
3. Affordable health care for the entire population.
4. Strengthening social security and medicare with tax reform.
5. Tax reform that involves fiscal responsibility.
6. Revise the amount and recipients of foreign aid.

Change starts with each and everyone of us.

As we can see things have not changed much. In fact it has gotten worse. There are a few items not listed that have really impacted our wallets and disposable income. First is the cost of fuel and energy since that post, and the second is the cost of food as a whole.

One thing that changed was the control of the House of Representatives shifted to the Republicans. What have they done? Honestly, nothing but really disappoint. They have failed to maintain their message, not use their power to bring about change, and unfortunately improve the image of Obama.

As we roll into the election of 2012 which is called the most important of our life time as conservatives we have seen each front runner of a Republican candidate fall to the way side while Romney slowly builds his momentum. I fear that we pushing Obama into a win. Is our only salvation Hillary Clinton making a run as a 3rd party candidate? Is our only salvation the religious conservative voter finding a candidate to back and push him home, and will the Tea Party fall in line?

The Tea Party has been very quiet, it seems that they have just become a footnote in history. On that note...time for a cup roobios tea and think what about what should have been instead of the ugly reality we are to face.

Change starts with each of us, and do we have the determination our forefathers had to bring change? Just do it.