Saturday, January 28, 2012

Why the Republican Presidential Candidates are Struggling

Why can't a Republican candidate get a foothold with the Republican or Conservative electorate?

1.  They don't come across as being genuine.
2.  They seem opportunistic rather then visionary.
3.  They don't connect with the common person.
4.  Where is the message or campaign theme?

I can't shake this feeling that the Republican Party doesn't want to win this election again.  Four years ago they picked an aging, stiff and bland candidate who had to compete against a young, well spoken and opportunistic Democrat who had a vision.  Today President Obama's vision from that campaign, so long ago, has turned into a dream and a far fetched one at that.  But he had a vision and drive.  I don't see that from the Republican Field.

The Candidates (all of them) need to go back and look at Bill Clinton's campaign to upset the George H. Bush back in 1992.  20 years ago, a man from Arkansas, Bill Clinton coined a phrase,

"It's the economy, stupid!"

That one phrase was the beginning of the end for then President Bush.  It didn't matter that it wasn't really the truth.  It resonated.  Guess what people, it is sure as hell true today.

I don't see one candidate today espousing the same phrase.  People would catch on because the focus is on them and not you.  What happened to the phrase many candidates have used in the past, "Are you better off today then you were four years ago?"  That is the message and that message isn't out there.  We want to hear what you will do for us and not what you want to do.

You have candidates talking about everything but what is needed for the common man.  A 59 step plan, as soon as I heard 59 I tuned out.  A colony on the Moon, at least some of will have a chance to live some where our government isn't.   Stop making all of these stump speeches that appeal to the state you are in today, but focus on the solutions that address the general problems:

1.  Unemployment
2.  Foreclosures
3.  Stagnant salaries and every increasing cost of fuel, food and utilities.
4.  A government that is out of control on spending that will eventually force all of us to pay more taxes.

What happened to a candidate listening to me or all of us?  Hell, the government and our elected officials don't even listen, so what do we expect from a person wanting to be President?

1.  Genuine.

We all have crap meters and the only candidate that expressing his true beliefs is Ron Paul.  He connects because he is genuinely being himself.  Do I like his political leanings, no, but I know what I would be getting.

Romney, once again is coming across like some B actor in a bad movie with a bad script.  Mitt be yourself, if you can't be yourself I am sorry to say you will not be President. People recognize you for what you are and that is fake.

Gingrich is genuine if you can figure out which person he is on a give day or week.  Is he that Clinton era Speaker of the House, the man in search of a new wife, a man working for Fannie and Freddie, a man with more so called enemies then friends, or the silver haired man with the silver tongue.  I have been swayed his one liners or his take on the Beltway, but can you trust him?

Santorum is from Pennsylvania and won as a Republican in a Democratic state, who cares.  What is his career path that qualifies him to be President?  I hope it wasn't being a Senator.  Generally a President who has been a Senator makes for a poor President, just look at the guy who is in office now.  All I know about Santorum is he became a Republican Senator in a Democratic state.  I just went to his web page and it sure doesn't tell me who he is.  All he wants is enough money from me, so he can mail me a sweater vest.  Wow.

I watch the debates, I listen to interviews, and this is my perception.  Nothing personal enough to touch the heart of a voter.  Which one of them could you give a trillion dollars to and expect to get it back with interest?

2.  Visionary

I know why you are running for President, so you can be President.  Why are you really running for President.  I haven't heard that yet.  Repeal Obama-care, that is your message.  Cut taxes, original but what does it matter when I can barely make ends meet.  Balance the budget, damn you are getting there.  You will promise anything like the current President did and totally forget what you promised on the day you are sworn in.

If I could tell you what visionary is for each of these candidates I certainly wouldn't be writing this rarely read blog.

I can only make a few suggestions on developing a Vision or campaign theme, go read the history of the 1992 campaign of Bill Clinton or the 1980 campaign of Ronald Reagan.

What makes a great President is a great Speaker of the House and President of the Senate.  We haven't had that for many years.

3.  Connecting with the Common Man

Maybe there should be a show, Undercover Presidential Candidate, allowing these wannabes to see what real life is for a person who has to struggle with it day in and day out.

Instead of a debate I want a real life situation tests.  Can any of these guys fill out a W-2, balance a check book, take my pay check buy groceries, fill up a car with gas, and pay a 29% interest credit card bill?  Tell your boss your child is sick and need to leave to take care of them, and then ask a few more times.  See what you don't have much in your savings or checking and that your 401K has tanked for 4 years, and figure out how you are going to help your child through college and retire.  Realize that oranges are now sold by the piece and not the pound.

Connect by telling me you will have a balanced budget as President, since this President has never even submitted a budget.  Connect by telling me you will veto any bill with earmarks.  Connect by telling me that you will veto any bill pr budget that spends more money then the government takes in.  Connect by telling me the truth regarding what you can do and can't do when you are President.  Tell the truth.

4.  A Campaign Theme

Rick Santorum-  The Courage to Fight for America

Ron Paul         -  Restore America Now

Mitt Romney  -  Believe in America

This one is harder:
New Gingrich -  "Winning the Future Together" from the google search results
                       -  Help Win Florida
                       -  21st Century Contract with America

None of these are particularly great.

The courage to fight for America, what is Santorum fighting for?  I have no clue. We aren't at war yet.  If he is fighting the government, then it is an oxymoron.  Just a slogan that doesn't say anything.

Restore America Now, makes it sound like Ron Paul wants to fix an old car.  We all know if you restore a classic car you generally spend more then the car is worth.  This slogan just doesn't work.  Generally, when someone restores something it is a work in progress that takes longer to do then you intended.  This slogan should disqualify him from being President, including the fact he has two first names.

Believe in America, this from a candidate we don't believe.  Romney needs to Believe in himself first, then we will believe.  Same conclusion as Ron Paul's slogan.

Finally, Gingrich's multiple slogans for the multiple personalities?  The first one is the best of all the candidates, "Winning the Future Together".  This is a slogan that tries to bring the people into the campaign.  Sadly, I didn't see it anywhere on the home page.  But I did see, Help Win Florida which sounds like a lottery or is he trying to keep the Cubans from invading Florida.  The last one about a contract, fat chance I could read and understand a contract any candidate would write, but I doubt I could read it all before his term is over.  Besides, how is Gingrich going to get 300 million signatures.

You know, all I want is "One of the People for the People."

1 comment:

  1. politics are boring and politicians try to follow public approval, so they follow instead of lead.

    What a presidential candidate really needs is the ability to choose skilled personnel. want to choose a good candidate, look at the personnel he surrounds himself with.
