Saturday, July 27, 2013

The New Revolution

I graduated high school in 1979 and it is our generation that has slowly shaped the country we come to live in today.  I am sad at what I see.  I don't see a country that will offer the diversity of opportunity to my son and his family.  I don't see a country that represents the freedom that our forefathers fought to have and give to future generations.  I don't see a government of the people, for the people, by people...  I don't see a country that tolerates religious freedom and expression of those beliefs.  I don't see a country that seemingly doesn't exemplify life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

The American people have slowly given up the ideals of democracy, capitalism and freedom to become ensnared in a trap that some how claims we are entitled. The only thing we are entitled to is our own mistakes and the consequences of those choices.

In the last 20 years our country has really changed.  Is it for the better or the worse?

Welcome to the revolution and most of us don't realize that it is happening.

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