Tom Petty passing away brought back a lot of memories and sadness. For me, it was a reminder of days past filled with ideals and future that I could make.
I was a freshman at college, my second roommate Kyle was a skinny, long haired rocker. He studied Mechanical Engineering. He drove a Monza with a V8. More importantly he listened to music that was totally different to what I had grown up hearing. I heard albums by Black Sabbath, Aerosmith, the Who, Nazareth and eventually Tom Petty. It was early 1980 when he started playing Damn the Torpedoes. It wasn't my style at all. In those days you listened to the entire album on vinyl or tape. You listened a lot. Sometimes you sat by the record player and moved the needle, but generally you listened a lot. I started to appreciate the music and the innovation of Tom Petty. Breakdown is what really happened.
This time in my life, I did some good things and some not so good.
What I learned was that I had not one to blame for anything that I did or didn't do. I regret what I didn't do.
Tom Petty this past weekend was totally overwhelmed on TV and social media because of the incident in Las Vegas. A tragedy that will be remembered for awhile. It will be a piece of American history that is replayed over and over, and less so as the years pass. Much like 9/11, it will become an annual memory with less and less impact on the coming generations.
Tom Petty will sell a lot of music during this week. Probably his greatest hits albums.
Much like music, history is a greatest hits event. You have to survey the entire history of America to understand what makes the country great.
If you want to pay tribute to Tom Petty listen to an entire album or 2 a few times. Understand the songs to understand the vision and the man. Don't just play a hit or 2.
America, remember why your country came to be. There is a lot of sacrifice for what we perceived to be right, but there was a lot sacrificed for what was really right. Play the entire album, just not a few songs to know America.
Varying thoughts on any topic.
Thursday, October 5, 2017
Sunday, October 16, 2016
Fundamental Change
We are no longer governing our government, our government is governing the people. It is no longer the what the people want, it is what government thinks is best for the people.
The reason we became a country was to respect religious belief (seemingly more important at that time) and taxation without representation. There are a lot of things that drove the colonies to fight Britian.
We have no choice in what the EPA says and does. The EPA costs us money. This agency of the government is not beholding to the people. They are not elected, they are appointed. We have no input in their decisions, and if the plans they enacted will cost us more of our disposable income, so be it. We have no voice, we can't vote on it. We just have to accept it. Is this what our forefathers wanted for us.
The government decides that we all need insurance (auto and health). If you don't have health insurance you pay for not participating. Did we have the opportunity as a country to vote for this proposal? No. Isn't this taxation without representation.
We have no choice in what the tax rate is, it is what the government decides. Another decision made for us, and not a choice of the people.
The list goes on.
The federal government has a monthly payroll of 52 billion.
This is an article on being a federal worker versus a non-government job.
We do have a choice, we can vote. We do have a choice we can run for office. We do have a choice, rally and demand change.
What is good for the people should be good for those that govern and rule. If we have to pay taxes, they should pay taxes or no longer be employed. If we are entitled to the "affordable care act", so should be those that hold government jobs. If our kids are to follow a government dictated diet, so should those that are in government. The elected officials should have no retirement plan, they should rely on social security as all of the civilian population does. We should not have to subsidize their lifestyle.
We have returned to the era of those who ruled are privileged to dictate to the people.
It is not a government for the privileged, but a government for all the people.
In closing, the retirement plans of those that have severed in government should be under the same constraints and rules that govern social security. If a former president's personal income exceeds his retirement pay it should be reduced accordingly. This should also apply to their domiciles and security staffing and private staffing. Read this article. What we don't know.
The reason we became a country was to respect religious belief (seemingly more important at that time) and taxation without representation. There are a lot of things that drove the colonies to fight Britian.
We have no choice in what the EPA says and does. The EPA costs us money. This agency of the government is not beholding to the people. They are not elected, they are appointed. We have no input in their decisions, and if the plans they enacted will cost us more of our disposable income, so be it. We have no voice, we can't vote on it. We just have to accept it. Is this what our forefathers wanted for us.
The government decides that we all need insurance (auto and health). If you don't have health insurance you pay for not participating. Did we have the opportunity as a country to vote for this proposal? No. Isn't this taxation without representation.
We have no choice in what the tax rate is, it is what the government decides. Another decision made for us, and not a choice of the people.
The list goes on.
The federal government has a monthly payroll of 52 billion.
This is an article on being a federal worker versus a non-government job.
We do have a choice, we can vote. We do have a choice we can run for office. We do have a choice, rally and demand change.
What is good for the people should be good for those that govern and rule. If we have to pay taxes, they should pay taxes or no longer be employed. If we are entitled to the "affordable care act", so should be those that hold government jobs. If our kids are to follow a government dictated diet, so should those that are in government. The elected officials should have no retirement plan, they should rely on social security as all of the civilian population does. We should not have to subsidize their lifestyle.
We have returned to the era of those who ruled are privileged to dictate to the people.
It is not a government for the privileged, but a government for all the people.
In closing, the retirement plans of those that have severed in government should be under the same constraints and rules that govern social security. If a former president's personal income exceeds his retirement pay it should be reduced accordingly. This should also apply to their domiciles and security staffing and private staffing. Read this article. What we don't know.
racism and bigortry in america
Our country hasn't really overcome racism. Why? We still refer to skin color as means of distinction. If we continue to refer to black, yellow, red, white, etc. when discussing issues we are racists. A person is a person regardless of race or creed.
If someone is killed does it matter what race they are? No. Murder is not acceptable regardless of race.
The media and politicians need to change. They should not be flaming the fire with racism and bigotry. The media is struggling to remain relevant in the ever changing information age. The media has to make ratings and attract views which provides income via commercials. Just sitting down and listening to the various news outlets during the week and on a Sunday is indicative of the division within our society, media and elected officials.
Politicians are fighting to keep their jobs and appeal to all views. The politicians have various reasons for wanting to be reelected. It is a shame that the country isn't the priority. The electorate has to become smarter, proactive and one that cares about our country's future.
The media has caused religion to become part of the media by focusing on the worst of different religions. It isn't the religion that is at fault; it is the person.
One can elaborate, but it is really respect that is at issue. We have to respect each other.
If someone is killed does it matter what race they are? No. Murder is not acceptable regardless of race.
The media and politicians need to change. They should not be flaming the fire with racism and bigotry. The media is struggling to remain relevant in the ever changing information age. The media has to make ratings and attract views which provides income via commercials. Just sitting down and listening to the various news outlets during the week and on a Sunday is indicative of the division within our society, media and elected officials.
Politicians are fighting to keep their jobs and appeal to all views. The politicians have various reasons for wanting to be reelected. It is a shame that the country isn't the priority. The electorate has to become smarter, proactive and one that cares about our country's future.
The media has caused religion to become part of the media by focusing on the worst of different religions. It isn't the religion that is at fault; it is the person.
One can elaborate, but it is really respect that is at issue. We have to respect each other.
Monday, August 5, 2013
The Decline of America
It is humorous to contemplate why America is in decline, because it isn't caused by the Government, it is caused by the people. We the people are the problem, we choose who represents us in the primaries and elections. We should make them uphold and respect the law as it was and as it is written when this great country was formed.
hen in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
How many people have read this document the constitution? It is the manual or instructions that shows us how to operate the government. Sadly, we all want to take the short cuts and trust someone else to tell us how it works. I guess we want the book, "The Constitution for Dummies." We will buy this book and never read it and our government will not change.
Today, we want to blame everyone but ourselves for the circumstances that have put our country where it is economically, politically and morally. We no longer want to work, we only expect that we are owed. Look at our country as a whole and and you will have your answer.
What is sad to me is that we need to recognize what the Laws of Nature and Nature's God are, and when we as a country fail to do that we will fail just as the Roman Empire did. Sadly the similarities are the same for this great country and that of the Roman Empire. When the moral course of the country is lost and that compass no longer functions we begin the decline.
The people define the course of America, and the people can correct that course only if the choose to do it. If the real Americans don't speak nothing will change.
If we don't read the manual, understand our rights, understand that the government is subservient to the people, and that the Constitution must be upheld, we will only be led down the path of failure.
The people define the course of America, and the people can correct that course only if the choose to do it. If the real Americans don't speak nothing will change.
If we don't read the manual, understand our rights, understand that the government is subservient to the people, and that the Constitution must be upheld, we will only be led down the path of failure.
Saturday, July 27, 2013
The New Revolution
I graduated high school in 1979 and it is our generation that has slowly shaped the country we come to live in today. I am sad at what I see. I don't see a country that will offer the diversity of opportunity to my son and his family. I don't see a country that represents the freedom that our forefathers fought to have and give to future generations. I don't see a government of the people, for the people, by people... I don't see a country that tolerates religious freedom and expression of those beliefs. I don't see a country that seemingly doesn't exemplify life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
The American people have slowly given up the ideals of democracy, capitalism and freedom to become ensnared in a trap that some how claims we are entitled. The only thing we are entitled to is our own mistakes and the consequences of those choices.
In the last 20 years our country has really changed. Is it for the better or the worse?
Welcome to the revolution and most of us don't realize that it is happening.
In the last 20 years our country has really changed. Is it for the better or the worse?
Welcome to the revolution and most of us don't realize that it is happening.
We are not alone
1984, Brave New World, Watergate, wire taps, phone taps, opening our mail, drones, street cameras, cookies, tracking, Facebook, twitter, GPS, NSAand black boxes.
Someone, some government or even a friend knows where, what and possibly why you are doing something.
Welcome to civilization and computers.
We are becoming a society that will soon not have books, records, handwritten letters, or privacy.
Just look and see the trail that you leave everyday offline or online.
Someone, some government or even a friend knows where, what and possibly why you are doing something.
Welcome to civilization and computers.
We are becoming a society that will soon not have books, records, handwritten letters, or privacy.
Just look and see the trail that you leave everyday offline or online.
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Isn't there something we would like to CHANGE in ourselves or others. Change...what a great word, but isn't it difficult to implement.
I look back at the election and I recognize one thing. Conservative talk radio needs to change. The Republican party needs to change. Voters need to change in order to bring about change.
If you have a routine in place, where you get your hair cut, where you buy your groceries, or even your coffee; you are comfortable. Being comfortable is hard to change.
Why do we need to see change? Change is that mutation that pushes us to the next level. Change is something that results in making something work different or even better.
If the country is going to change and take a different path a new message and an image has to be constructed. This is true with everything. If you are starting a business you have to have an image, a message, and you have to make to it work.
Anything we try to change has to succeed on all levels.
Change = goal + image + message
If you want to lose weight it involves change.
If you want to quit smoking you have to change.
If you want to improve your life you have to change.
Isn't there something we would like to CHANGE in ourselves or others. Change...what a great word, but isn't it difficult to implement.
I look back at the election and I recognize one thing. Conservative talk radio needs to change. The Republican party needs to change. Voters need to change in order to bring about change.
If you have a routine in place, where you get your hair cut, where you buy your groceries, or even your coffee; you are comfortable. Being comfortable is hard to change.
Why do we need to see change? Change is that mutation that pushes us to the next level. Change is something that results in making something work different or even better.
If the country is going to change and take a different path a new message and an image has to be constructed. This is true with everything. If you are starting a business you have to have an image, a message, and you have to make to it work.
Anything we try to change has to succeed on all levels.
Change = goal + image + message
If you want to lose weight it involves change.
If you want to quit smoking you have to change.
If you want to improve your life you have to change.
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