Sunday, January 10, 2010

Conservatives Need to Act

It is time for the conservative movement to ACT instead of reacting. Our country's government has spun out of control because of the Democratic and Republican parties. Each party is more concerned about it's position and role within the government rather then with “We the people“.

President Obama was looked at as change during his campaign and eventual election. I believe President Obama would have had a difficult time being elected if the Republicans had really mounted a serious effort to win the election. The McCain/Palin ballot was in all essence a rollover move by the Republicans, but with this "conservative" ballot the Republicans lost more power within the Congress due to a poor image and message.

But once again the Republican Party and the conservatives are not making themselves heard in a constructive and forward thinking position. The lack of leadership within the conservative movement in the USA is a large hindrance towards dictating the direction the country and forthcoming campaign must move in. The message is still reacting to the issues rather then resolving the issues with a message and and proposed solutions.

The Republicans have no one to blame but themselves. Rather then take the penny pinching formula the Republican Congress put forth under President Clinton, they became an irresponsible government that emulated the Democratic Party in spending. This resulted in the negative image of President GW Bush along with the nebulous concept of a war on terrorism. These two issues led to the eventual downfall of the Republicans.

The Democrats have always controlled the entitlement portion of the population, and it is the swing in mood of the tax-paying base that has determined which party rules and when they rule. Should we be surprised by the waffling of President Obama? Absolutely not! His campaign was one that only reacted to the current issues of the country, i.e. the war on terrorism, spending and eventually the financial collapse of the banking sector. He only promised change and an openness that would embrace the suffering voters of the USA. He touch the voters who wanted a change. But as in every election, the winning candidate makes promise after promise and reneges on promise after promise. President Obama never proposed detailed plans, but he touch on the desires of the masses in such a generalized manner that he garnered more and more support. His greatest skill is his ability to read a teleprompter, and it makes him seem charismatic.

Today we are dictated to by a government controlled by the Democrats: Obama, Reid and Pelosi. This was never the intent of the founders of our country and constitution, it was to be a government that listened to the population. The frustration felt by the citizens of the USA is being heard, but it is a backlash against the incumbents and the jam it down our throats process. This backlash is not enough.

The Republicans or the conservatives need to find a dynamic spokesman and formulate a message. There is currently no person in the public eye willing to take the current Government to task with a message that is going to bring hope and unify the conservatives into taking control during the mid-term elections and eventually the Presidency. What is the message? We the people have had to tighten our belts and become a nation of savers rather then credit whores. The message needs to focus on the this and the following:

1. The economy is still the biggest issue.
2. The out of control debt.
3. Affordable health care for the entire population.
4. Strengthening social security and medicare with tax reform.
5. Tax reform that involves fiscal responsibility.
6. Revise the amount and recipients of foreign aid.

Change starts with each and everyone of us.

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