Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Conservative Radio Must Endorse Romney

Mark Levin doesn't endorse Mitt Romney, he is saying "Don't vote for Obama."  It is a mistake to not endorse Romney.  Why?  It means you don't support him, and if you don't support him why should your listeners support him.  What does it mean not to support Romney?  It means you aren't going to vote for him.  Bill Clinton endorsed and spoke on Obama's behalf, why can't conservative radio talk hosts.

Why should I support Mark Levin's platform of not voting for Obama?  Because that isn't a reason.  You can't win an Election with, "Don't vote for Obama, he will take us to the point of no return."  Wow that is a real reason to vote for Romney.  Obama will increase the debt, don't vote for him.  Vote for the guy I don't endorse.  Obama is going to make our country a socialist country, don't vote for him.  Vote for the guy I don't endorse.  This is a real winning strategy for conservative radio when they don't even endorse the best candidate running for President.  We can't grab Reagan DNA and clone him for this election. Endorse Romney and lead him to victory with your support.

The last few days we have been hearing about the leaked video of Romney's, and the liberal media is having a field day.  I think it is the best thing to happen to Romney.  It was simple, it was blunt, and it demonstrated that Romney has an opinion.

The part of the video that talks about the 47% is one of the best, because he talks about his campaign having to focus on the 53%.  What is wrong with that?   Romney finally said something that has substance. 

What has happened to Ryan during this time?  This video has muted him.

Back to Romney.  This video has set the ground work for Romney to come out with his economic plan, his strategy for creating 12 million jobs, and his plan for reducing the budget deficit.  He has to take opportunity of this free press and define himself as a Candidate and his plan for the country.  I want specifics not a speech Obama could make, any candidate could make or even one that I could make.  Romney needs to build traction by showing us he has the courage to speak the who, what, where, when, how and why of his plan.  He has to get to the details.

Mark Levin endorse Romney.  Mitt Romney listen to Mark Levin and let us know you have details not just bullet points.  Romney be a man, show us your vision and we will vote for you.  Mark Levin endorse Romney and get him votes.

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